
Where will I go?
With the realization in my heart that it was time for me to go on an adventure of following wherever the Lord wants to lead, I began to ponder where He might be sending me and what I might do there.
The first place I felt God leading was to "Johannesburg". Embarassingly, I did a quick google search to see where this place was. Of course, the most famous Johannesburg is in South Africa. I began making connections there, but by the time it was time to go, SA was in double-triple COVID lockdown and I would not be able to go there for some months. Instead, I leaned on some connections through my local church with Jim and Vicki Egli.
They had recently been called to create training for Disciple Making Movements (DMM) and would soon be working to help tribes in the Ivory Coast get the first recordings of Bible stories in their language. They provided a connection to Lifeway Missions Internationalk, an organization dedicated to DMM in Nairobi, Kenya and I was quickly extended an invitation to come as soon as I could.
Upon arriving, I quickly got to know many members of the Lifeway team and soon heard that Joseph would be traveling up to Lodwar, Kenya in a few days. It turned out, Lodwar was where a good friend of mine, Joel and his family were living and serving as missionaries. I was going to ask Joseph if I could join him on his travels, but he beat me to punch and asked me first! Needless to say, I said yes.
Within 5 days of arriving in Kenya, I got off a mutatu (think bus-taxi) in Lodwar and was greeted by Joel and given the grand tour of the dusty desert city. As we were ending the tour, we pulled into the wide courtyard lined with walled homes that made up the neighborhood where Joel's family lived. Joel extended his arm and said, "Welcome to Johannesburg!"
It was like my jaw hit the floor. "What do you mean, Johannesburg??" I asked. Joel cooly replied, "Oh, that's the name of this neighborhood. Kind of a funny name to be all the way out here, huh?"
God sure has a sense of humor. I could quickly see that He accomplishes His plans much faster than I often expect Him to.
I spent the next 3 months helping with projects in the headquarters in Lifeway, attending bush church under a tree, sharing the love of God with many people through a translator, speaking on a Sunday morning, and learning intricacies of implementing Disciple Making Movements.
Before I knew it, my 3-month visa was expiring and it was time so say tearful goodbyes to Kenya and say hello to new adventures in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
In Port Elizabeth, I partnered with Fountain Vineyard Church and joined their young adult group called "Surch". We went on a weekend trip away full of amazing conversations and walks on the beach where I met many people in the best way possible--extended one on one time.
I was able to share with everyone about showing love to each other every day in both small and big ways. We often feel most loved through tiny things people do for us. Each of those ways we are loved can be fuel of our own displays of love for others. Jesus reminded us that we ought to "love our neighbors as ourselves." Anyway we've been loved qualifies!
During my months there, I went through a season of feeling unproductive. I first noticed that I felt bad, but in thinking deeper about it I realized it was connected to a feeling of not accomplishing things like I was used to back in the States. In my church in the US I was in charge of some events and groups and it was my responsibility that they went off without a hitch. There in Port Elizabeth, I didn't have the same responsibility to provide the sense of "getting things done" that I was used to.
As I struggled with this, I found myself taking a step back to think about why was this making me feel bad. I realized that I was thinking about myself the way the world leads us to see ourselves rather than how God sees us. God doesn't require us to accomplish anything. In fact, He has accomplished everything for us and given us a better identity as one who is loved no matter what they do. The fact that I had "bad" feelings meant that I had an opportunity to recalibrate and see myself closer to how God sees me through Jesus. I could go sleep on the beach for the next 6 months and do nothing whatsoever and I would still NOT be a worthless person. At least not in God's eyes. And that's the more fundamental truth.
I now feel much less "need to achieve". Rather, I am excited for opportunities that present themselves knowing my value isn't dependant upon them.
And like that, three months was up! I had to get out of South Africa and Croatia was nearly the only place outside of Africa that would accept anyone from South Africa! Luckily, Croatia has been on my list of places to visit for five years and I felt that the door was wide open.
I arrived in Split, Croatia with no plan of what I was to do. All I had was a reservation at a hostel in town and an idea that I would trust Holy Spirit to open up opportunities. Some of those days felt the most like a missionary I had had yet: I was surrounded by people from all over the world and with all kinds of different backgrounds. It was especially satisfying to occasionally have a chance to share about how Jesus has changed my life.
After a month of island hopping and travels, my friends Oskar and Maarit reached out to me saying they didn't realize I was so close! They were living in Zagreb, Croatia! I arranged a visit that I thought would just last the weekend.
I soon realized upon arrival in Zagreb that here was the door I was waiting for! Oskar and Maarit had been serving as worship leaders for Upper Room Zagreb, a church-plant of sorts from Upper Room Dallas! It turned out that Maarit was about to start school in another country and that I know how to play guitar. Not two weeks later and I was on the regular schedule to help lead prayer and worship with the team!
What wonderful times those were, specifically set aside to praise God and press into prayer for the city and the world. I had to quickly grow in my guitar-confidence and by the grace of God feel that I did.
How can I forget our worship night with another prayer room in Slavonski Brod and the many times the team got together just to grow in relationship together?? It was wonderful.
I also met a missionary couple, Steve and Dianne, who helped form my next connection in Barcelona. As I was searching for where my final stop would be after Croatia, they said surely I must visit the International Church of Barcelona! I had heard of it before from another friend who had studied in Spain years ago and that was confirmation enough for me!
I began my journey in Bacelona in hostels again. On the first Sunday I could, I went to all three church services at the International Church of Barcelona (ICB) and absolutely loved it. I connected with a group that went to get all-you-can-eat sushi after service and next thing you know I was playing beach volleyball on Tuesday and Thursday, going to a barbeque Saturday, and making plans to get coffee throughout the week.
I found a great apartment I could move into for the rest of my time in Barcelona which was quite the relief after two weeks in new-people-all-the-time hostels!
I know God is doing great things in this city and I'm excited to partner with whatever God has for me as this season continues!
Before long it will be November 4th, 2021 and I will be on my way back to the United States and at the end of this year long adventure. But until then, I'm trusting God to lead me on!